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  • JPGOODBUY contraband
  • Common contraband examples
  • customsContraband
The whole line cannot send items
fireworks < br > Western firecrackers < br > ammunition
bleaching agent < br > hydrogen peroxide < br > Personal oxygen < br > manufacturing machine
radioactive substances
Uranium and plutonium < br > Cesium and thorium < br > Nuclear Waste
corrosive substances
pesticide < br > chloroform < br > water-steaming pesticide
electronic smoke
fire engine oil
paint nail polish
nail gel alcohol
diluent paint
clearly marked fire strictly prohibit or similar articles of
high pressure spray tank
lighter supplement

diving oxygen bottle
camping gas stove gas
high pressure dust removal air tank
portable oxygen tank
helium bottle chlorofluorocarbon
gas heater car suspension system
Other items
Cigarettes (including e-cigarettes) and drinks with alcohol concentration over 24%; Cultural audio-visual products containing reactionary and pornographic contents;Shoulder and neck painkiller,Bluetooth headset(With charging box) Hair coloring, bleach, essential oil, fragrance, nail polish, nail polish, hair gel, glue, Tempo Drop weather forecast bottle, life jacket, shaver cleaning fluid, shaver oil; High pressure flammable gas and liquid marked with fire, gas, etc; Youting heaters, natural gas stoves, cassette ovens, gas water heaters; Rechargeable battery, mobile power supply, mobile phone case with charging board, lithium battery not installed in the machine; The two types of air purifiers with flammable refrigerants, i.e. the compressor type and the air purifiers with flammable refrigerants, i.e. the compressor type and the air purifiers with flammable refrigerants, i.e. the compressor type and the air purifier with flammable refrigerants, i.e. the air purifier with flammable refrigerants, i.e. the air purifier with flammable refrigerants, i.e. the air purifier with flammable refrigerants, i.e. the air purifier with flammable refrigerants, i; Including magnets and other items that may affect transportation safety (such as audio amplifier, etc.); Auto parts (engine, shock absorber, FS pump and other parts that have passed the oil pressure test); Animals, animal feed, plants, plant fertilizer, succulent plants, seeds, rice, miscellaneous rice, fresh fruits, vegetables, straw mats, January decoration (if the ingredients include rush, grass, pine and straw, it is forbidden); Blood containing preparations, gems, diamonds (including processed products), counterfeit currency, stamps or stamps, personal documents, securities, national treasures, important cultural heritage, important art products, copy CDs, pirated CDs, unknown origin items, credit cards, commodity vouchers, tickets (concert tickets, etc.), air tickets; Simple processing of animal meat (bag beef jerky, etc.). Sealed canned meat (transportable) Commodities containing protected species under the Washington Convention.
Partial line deliverables
生发液     青鸟A线/凤凰线/海运线    EMS/航空/经济航空
染发剂(非高压罐)     青鸟A线/凤凰线/海运线    EMS/航空/经济航空
酒水(酒精浓度低于24%以下)     EMS/航空/经济航空/海运线    青鸟A线/凤凰线
成人无比滴、清凉喷雾、驱蚊水     青鸟A线/凤凰线/海运线    EMS/航空/经济航空
防晒(非高压罐但酒精浓度超过24%)     青鸟A线/凤凰线/海运线    EMS/航空/经济航空
液体创可贴     海运线    EMS/航空/经济航空/青鸟A线/凤凰线
香水     海运线  *    EMS/航空/经济航空/青鸟A线/凤凰线
1 Prohibited imports
1.1 Weapons, Simulated Weapons, Ammunition and Explosives;
1.2 counterfeit currency and counterfeit securities; < br > 1.3 Prints, films, photographs, records, films, tapes, videos, laser discs, computer storage media and other articles harmful to China's politics, economy, culture and morality;
1.4 Severe poisons;
1.5 Opium, morphine, heroin, cannabis and other addictive narcotics and psychotropic substances;
1.6 Animals, plants and their products with dangerous pathogens, pests and other pests;
1.7 Food, medicines or other articles from epidemic areas that are harmful to human and animal health and other diseases;
1.8 Laws, regulations and other articles prohibited by customs.
2. Restrictions on imported goods
2.1 Radio transceiver and communication confidentiality machine;
2.2 Smoking and alcohol;
2.3 Endangered and precious animals and plants (including specimens) and their seeds and reproductive materials;
2.4 National currencies;
2.5 Other articles restricted by the Customs.
3 Prohibited articles
3.1 All kinds of weapons and ammunition. Such as guns, bullets, shells, grenades, mines, bombs, etc. < br > 3.2 Various types of explosive substances. Such as detonators, explosives, gunpowder, firecrackers, etc. < br > 3.3 Various types of combustible articles, including liquids, gases and solids. Such as gasoline, kerosene, Tung oil, alcohol, lacquer, diesel, aerosol, gas lighter, gas cylinder, phosphorus, sulfur, matches, etc.
3.4 All kinds of corrosive articles. Such as sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, organic solvents, pesticides, hydrogen peroxide, dangerous chemicals, < br > 3.5 Radioactive elements and containers. Such as uranium, cobalt, radium and plutonium; < br > 3.6 All kinds of strong poisons. Such as thallium, cyanide, arsenic, etc. < br > 3.7 All kinds of narcotic drugs. Such as opium (including poppy shell, flower, bract, leaf), morphine, cocaine, heroin, cannabis, methamphetamine, ephedrine and other products;
3.8 All kinds of biochemical products and infectious articles. Such as anthrax, dangerous pathogens, medical waste, etc. < br > 3.9 Various publications, publications and printed materials endangering national security, social and political stability and obscenity;
3.10 All kinds of articles which are harmful to public health. Such as bones, animal organs, limbs, animal skins without nitration, animal bones without medication, etc. < br > 3.11 National laws, regulations and administrative rules explicitly prohibit the circulation, delivery or entry and exit of goods, such as state secret documents and materials, national currency and counterfeit currency and securities, simulated weapons, controlled knives, precious cultural relics, endangered wildlife and their products;
3.12 Improper packing may endanger personal safety, contaminate or damage other articles sent or delivered or equipped;
3.13 The sending countries (regions) are prohibited from sending imported articles, etc.
3.14 Other articles forbidden to be delivered.

* Perfumes may be attempted for shipment via sea freight; however, there is a risk of return by the postal service, and the user must bear any resulting losses. Please be aware.

Due to increasingly stringent checks on prohibited items, our company will implement more rigorous inspections of parcels. Unboxing inspections may be required as an additional service, and parcels must retain their original packaging! If the user’s parcel contains any items that are prohibited from shipment, the warehouse will handle the situation according to specific circumstances.

We sometimes cannot check every parcel, and due to the variety of items, there may be instances of oversight. If prohibited items are detected by the postal service after dispatch, the parcel will be returned. Upon return to the warehouse, any prohibited items will be removed and the remaining items will be resent; any related costs will be borne by the user.

To avoid loss and unnecessary inconvenience, please ensure you are fully aware of whether your purchased items fall under prohibited categories. Be mindful that some accompanying items may be classified as prohibited, such as: the cleaning solution that comes with a razor, which is highly flammable, and cleaning liquids containing substantial amounts of alcohol and other flammable components, classified as hazardous materials, which are illegal to ship. Items containing lithium batteries are limited to two per parcel. If you have any questions, please consult our customer service team.

Please pay special attention: If any prohibited items purchased by the user are banned from importing by Chinese customs or the customs of other countries, the warehouse reserves the right to destroy such items. Please do not purchase or send such goods, as any issues or losses incurred will be the responsibility of the user.